Tuesday, October 26, 2010

something about parents...

you know what really irritates me?  i'll tell you.

Parents who think that everything in life is still about them. 

PLEASE!!!  It is not about you anymore.  It's about your kid(s).  If you wanted to be the center of attention and focal point of everyone in your life, you shouldn't have a had a kid.  But you had a kid. 

And, guess what...your needs and wants became secondary the moment you decided to have that baby.

So, stop being a selfish jerk.  Get out of the sandbox, put all your toys away, and pull on your big boy (or girl) pants and be a grown up, already!

1 comment:

  1. So I completely agree with your complaint. I feel as though I have already reached the I'm now the parent with my mom. I thought that was not supposed to happen until she was like 70 and I'm 40 or even later.
