Saturday, December 4, 2010

Really? 20 minutes of Nekkid? I was really excited yesterday when I had the day off from work to go watch a couple of movies that I'd heard were good.  I have liked Anne Hathaway's work since The Princess Diaries when it came out ten years ago.  GEEZ - hard to believe it's been that long.  anyway...I've always liked every movie I watched with Anne Hathaway.  And I've enjoyed the movies I've seen Jake Gyllenhaal in...especially last years Brothers with Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman.  (I avoided Brokeback Mountain, and you can't blame me for that.)  So...I saw the trailer for their movie Love & Other Drugs a couple months ago, and was very excited and intrigued.  I had heard that there would be a little nudity...and knew going in that the language was probably not good, and there would be at least one sex scene, because apparently, it is unlawful in Hollywood to make a movie now without the two main characters "sleeping" together.

But I was NOT prepared for over 20 minutes of nakedness.  And it wasn't just nekkid Jake with nekkid Anne.  It was Anne lopping her boob out at a Doctors's appointment on camera, for no good reason other than showing her boob.  It was nekkid Jake with three or four other nekkid girls across the entire course of the movie.  And it was girls nekkid making out with each other.  And it was a shot of an obscenely overweight guy's backside while he was "sleeping" with a girl.

And it didn't just stop with nekkid people going at it like rabbits.  It was bedroom noises heard through a door, and a guy enjoying himself while watching a sex-tape, and it was terrible language, very lewd actions, and more sexual innuendos than should be allowed in a 2-hour movie.  And I kept reminding myself that inside this movie of nekkid people having sex, there was a sweet, interesting story about a boy with deeply ingrained self-esteem issues and a girl with a horrible, degenerative disease, who use sex as a way to cope with their tragedy or their shortcomings.  And, it's true, that when you stripped away all the sex scenes, and the lewd gestures, and horrible language, there really was a heart-felt, poignant story being told.

But, SERIOUSLY? Was it really necessary to sully the sweetness of that story with all the bare boobs and backsides, and barely covered "other" parts? 

I'm a girl, and I like looking at a handsome man with a strong, muscular man chest any old day of the week.  I'm not going to pretend otherwise.  And I know guys like looking at attractive women in various states of undress.  It's only human nature.  But too far is too far.  And as much as I liked the storyline...I can't help feeling that the sex and nskin cheapened it and cheated me out of really enjoying the movie.  I've seen more of Jake Gyllenhaal and Annd Hathaway that I ever cared to see. 
And now, instead of feeling uplifted by the sweetness of the story...I just feel dirty.

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